Hey hey 👋
My name is Zhao Zhang.
I'm an algorithm & software developer, open source author, and science fiction & detective fiction & anime fan.
I’m currently engaged in work releated to automatic driving algorithm and AI.
My area of interest is Robotics and I dream of becoming a senior DIY engineer and doing what I like every day.
A child strolling along the beach watched the waves roll and counted the sand on the shore. 🌐
Education Experience
- 2011.9~2014.6 Tianjin Baodi No. 1 Middle School
- 2014.9~2018.6 Dalian University of Technology Software Engineering
- 2020.9~2021.11 University of Bristol Robotics
Work Experience
- 2018.7.11~2020.7.27 PANCHIP Microelectronics Embedded Software Development Engineer
- 2021.12.8~2024.6.5 Black Sesame Technologies ADAS Algorithm Engineer
- 2024.7.3~present Trunk Technology Co., Ltd Algorithm Engineer
Professional Education
- Embedded System
- Bluetooth & Bluetooth Mesh
- Computer Network
- Computer Operating System
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning
- Controy Theory (Automatic Control & Modern Control)
- Automatic Driving Perception Algorithm
- Multi-sensor Calibration Algorithm
Professional Skills
- 硬件:
- 模拟电路与数字电路、传感器、3D建模打印
- 机械控制、自动化
- 嵌入式软件
- 自动驾驶:
- 机器学习、深度学习、自动驾驶感知
- 相机标定、激光雷达标定、毫米波雷达标定、多传感器联合标定
- 多传感器融合
- SLAM、三维重建
- 规划控制
- 蓝色:了解但不太懂
- 黄色:实际动手操作过,但还不太熟练
- 绿色:相对熟悉
Technical Routes
- 蓝色:还未经历
- 黄色:正在经历
- 绿色:已经经历过
- 大连理工大学学习优秀二等奖学金(2016-2017学年)
- 辽宁省新媒体设计竞赛省级二等奖(2017年)
- 计算机技术与软件专业技术资格中级证书-软件设计师(2024年)
Papers & Patents
- 2018.05.30 基于麦克风阵列的远场说话人识别(本科毕业论文)
- 2021.09.18 Person Tracking and Joint Attention on a Low-Cost Platform(硕士毕业论文)
- Reading 📕 (Especially science fiction and detective fiction)
- Cooking 🍳
- Movie 📺
- Badminton 🏸
- Running 🏃🏻♂️
- DIY 🧭
I grew up in Tianjin and spent a very ordinary childhood and youth life. After graduating from senior high school, I came to Dalian University of Technology and first came into contact with progamming, and then I fell in love with progamming a little bit.
In the last year of college, I took part in the Chinese postgraduate entrance examination, but I faied.
After graduating from University, I came to work in Shanghai and worked on the IoT. Two years later, I went to the University of Bristol for a year of postgraduate study in UK. After that, I returned to Shanghai to work on passenger car autonomous driving perception algorithms. Now I have come to Beijing and am currently working on truck autonomous driving SLAM algorithms.
The best way to get in touch with me is to email zhaobarrery@163.com. I hope to make friends with you.
Cheers 😊
Made with 💕 in Pudong, Shanghai; Haidian, Beijing