About me

About me

Personal Introduction
Mar 20, 2022
Hey hey 👋
My name is Zhao Zhang.
I'm an algorithm & software developer, open source author, and science fiction & detective fiction & anime fan.
I’m currently engaged in work releated to automatic driving algorithm and AI.
My area of interest is Robotics and I dream of becoming a senior DIY engineer and doing what I like every day.
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A child strolling along the beach watched the waves roll and counted the sand on the shore. 🌐

Education Experience

Work Experience

Professional Education

  • Embedded System
  • Bluetooth & Bluetooth Mesh
  • Computer Network
  • Computer Operating System
  • Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  • Controy Theory (Automatic Control & Modern Control)
  • Automatic Driving Perception Algorithm
  • Camera Calibration Algorithm

Professional Skills

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  • 蓝色:了解但不太懂
  • 黄色:实际动手操作过,但还不太熟练
  • 绿色:相对熟悉

Technical Routes

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  • 蓝色:还未经历
  • 黄色:正在经历
  • 绿色:已经经历过




  • 大连理工大学学习优秀二等奖学金(2016-2017学年)
  • 辽宁省新媒体设计竞赛省级二等奖(2017年)

Papers & Patents


  • 2018.05.30 基于麦克风阵列的远场说话人识别(本科毕业论文)
  • 2021.09.18 Person Tracking and Joint Attention on a Low-Cost Platform(硕士毕业论文)


  • 2019.11.19 CN110855496A,一种基于SIG MESH的OTA升级方法【已授权】
  • 2019.12.12 CN110996268A,基于SIG mesh的广播承载层报文过滤策略的方法【已授权】
  • 2020.06.11 CN111741490A,一种多跳服务网络的性能测试方法及系统【已授权】
  • 2022.07.14 CN115063781A,车位检测方法、装置、设备和存储介质


  • Reading 📕 (Especially science fiction and detective fiction)
  • Cooking 🍳
  • Movie 📺
  • Badminton 🏸
  • Running 🏃🏻‍♂️
  • DIY 🧭


I grew up in Tianjin and spent a very ordinary childhood and youth life. After graduating from senior high school, I came to Dalian University of Technology and first came into contact with progamming, and then I fell in love with progamming a little bit.
In the last year of college, I took part in the Chinese postgraduate entrance examination, but I faied.
After graduating from University, I came to work in Shanghai and worked on the IoT. Two years later, I went to the University of Bristol for a year of postgraduate study in UK. At present, I have come to Shanghai on the automatic driving percveption algorithm.
The best way to get in touch with me is to email zhaobarrery@163.com. I hope to make friends with you.
Cheers 😊 Zhao
Made with 💕 in Pudong, Shanghai